Project Update

I completed my MSc dissertation: I Choose Freedom: Digital Nomads and Imagined Worlds of Work in September 2017.

I will share the dissertation in a series of blog posts on this website over the coming months. Some of these will also be posted on Medium and The Conversation. If anyone involved in the research would like to read a copy of the research please get in touch.

The MSc dissertation was a pilot study for my PhD research into Digital Nomadism. I am conducted my PhD at UCL (University College London). During the PhD I will be looking to expand the number of research sites, and the research will continue for at least four more years enabling me to research and understand digital nomadism over a significant time period.

If you are an academic wanting to discuss research on this topic, a digital nomad interested in talking to me about their experiences, a journal or website interested in insights that go deeper than ‘the laptop in hammock trope, please get in touch. See below.

If you are interested in learning more about this research or would like to share some of your digital nomads stories please get in touch.

Twitter: @iamdavecook
